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workforce model will not require a cultural change? question_E56154C5_D517_4163_41E3_22312E37F64D.title = True or False: Adopting a seamless workforce model will not require a cultural change? question_E4744635_D50D_C123_41D1_2C0BCEF767E4.title = True or False: Adopting a seamless workforce model will not require a cultural change? question_5C9B57A5_181E_B410_41A8_017E804550C2.title = True or False: Adopting a seamless workforce model will not require a cultural change? question_5C9B07A6_181E_B410_41B5_3F0D9EAA49F7.title = True or False: Organisational barriers should be broken down to enable seamless healthcare question_5C3D0B4C_4BF3_B6CE_41CF_53E5B304BC3F.title = True or False: Organisational barriers should be broken down to enable seamless healthcare question_E475A636_D50D_C121_41E6_8D46F278DE8C.title = True or False: Organisational barriers should be broken down to enable seamless healthcare question_E56124C5_D517_4163_41D7_5E4CA7C575DC.title = True or False: Organisational barriers should be broken down to enable seamless healthcare question_E0C67277_B6B8_9C7A_41E1_BC76A735C7BD.title = True or False: Potential leaders should be identified at all levels of the organisation? question_392733B1_1E78_3E26_41BA_A3B95768D4BD.title = True or False: Potential leaders should be identified at all levels of the organisation? question_5343B4EC_4BF5_93CF_41B4_A21D187468C8.title = True or False: The digital strategy will also support the person accessing health and care? question_E98F76A2_B69B_B65A_41DE_08B40B46F530.title = True or False: The digital strategy will also support the person accessing health and care? question_E57E64C4_D517_4161_41BF_84A120BC7920.title = True or False: The first step is agreeing a common purpose? question_E4776634_D50D_C121_41CA_86B0D8F7246E.title = True or False: The first step is agreeing a common purpose? question_5C3C1B49_4BF3_B636_416E_D8A94AF2828C.title = True or False: The first step is agreeing a common purpose? question_5C9A77A3_181E_B417_4149_D6D666B9EC0E.title = True or False: The first step is agreeing a common purpose? question_E0C6E278_B6B8_9C76_41DB_E3A4B3B8260B.title = True or False: The organisation needs to embed a timely and robust leadership evaluation process? question_392643B0_1E78_3E26_41A5_2499EA6A713A.title = True or False: The organisation needs to embed a timely and robust leadership evaluation process? question_392493B2_1E78_3E2A_41B9_002D83D813B8.title = Which is not a recognised benefit of building a coaching culture? question_E0C19277_B6B8_9C7A_41AD_6890F00517EC.title = Which is not a recognised benefit of building a coaching culture? question_5342B4F1_4BF5_93D9_41D2_AC1FE53A5613.title = Which of the following has not been a new challenge for developing a digitally ready workforce? question_E98C76A1_B69B_B656_41D4_B2150840795D.title = Which of the following has not been a new challenge for developing a digitally ready workforce? question_534274F0_4BF5_93D7_41C5_555495D37076.title = Which of the following is not a benefit of a digitally ready workforce? question_E98FC6A2_B69B_B65A_41C1_A683168CC0BA.title = Which of the following is not a benefit of a digitally ready workforce? question_E561F4C5_D517_4163_41D8_DEF886D28AA7.title = Which of the following is not a challenge for adopting a seamless workforce model? question_5C3D5B4C_4BF3_B6CE_41B1_4B8B81A0DFE8.title = Which of the following is not a challenge for adopting a seamless workforce model? question_E475F636_D50D_C121_41EA_18450DE7EED7.title = Which of the following is not a challenge for adopting a seamless workforce model? question_5C9BC7A6_181E_B410_41B2_712D6D03CA71.title = Which of the following is not a challenge for adopting a seamless workforce model? question_E4740635_D50D_C123_41DA_D7440004398C.title = Which of the following is not a potential benefit of adopting a seamless workforce model? question_5C9B77A4_181E_B411_41AE_BAF6CF334D7A.title = Which of the following is not a potential benefit of adopting a seamless workforce model? question_5C3CAB4A_4BF3_B6CA_4191_A8E6FEB721FA.title = Which of the following is not a potential benefit of adopting a seamless workforce model? question_E57E94C4_D517_4161_41E0_A6A8758E1F13.title = Which of the following is not a potential benefit of adopting a seamless workforce model? question_E0C6A278_B6B8_9C76_41CC_C09957BDFB05.title = Which of the following is not a potential benefit of helping our leaders display compassionate leadership? question_392783B1_1E78_3E26_41B9_413C4B70D20B.title = Which of the following is not a potential benefit of helping our leaders display compassionate leadership? ### Question Screen quizQuestion_657207EF_7F93_DC32_41DB_DD1134F5C72B.ok = OK ### Report Screen quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.title = - SCORE - quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.completion = Completed quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.questionsCorrect = Correct quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.downloadCSV = Download .csv quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.questionsIncorrect = Incorrect quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.items = Items Found quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.questions = Questions quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.repeat = Repeat quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.submitToLMS = Submit quizScore_6575E7EF_7F93_DC32_4194_6FFF7CCE51B3.elapsedTime = Time ### Score Name score1.label = Theme 1: Seamless Workforce Models score2.label = Theme 2: Engaged, Motivated and Healthy Workforce score3.label = Theme 3: Attract, Recruit and Retain score4.label = Theme 4: Digitally Ready Workforce score5.label = Theme 5: Excellent Education and Learning score6.label = Theme 6: Leadership and Succession score7.label = Theme 7: Workforce Supply and Shape ### Timeout Screen quizTimeout_657137EE_7F93_DC32_41DE_FAEF37DB864E.title = - TIMEOUT - 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Theme 2: An Engaged, Healthy Workforce
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Theme 3: Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Theme 3: Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Theme 5: Excellent Education and Learning
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Theme 1: Seamless Workforce Models
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Theme 1: Seamless Workforce Models
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Theme 2: An Engaged, Healthy Workforce
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Theme 5: Excellent Education and Learning
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Theme 6: Leadership and Succession
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Theme 6: Leadership and Succession
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Theme 7: Workforce Supply and Shape
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Theme 7: Workforce Supply and Shape
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Theme 4: Digitally Ready Workforce
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Theme 4: Digitally Ready Workforce
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Cliciwch yma i dderbyn mynediad i'r wefan
Click anywhere to start the tour
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Welcome to our Virtual People and Culture Plan
The Plan is split into 7 colour coded themes which you can access via the signpost, or alternatively you can take a stroll through our town and see what you find along the way.
Look out for the arrows to take you to the different sections and help you explore the buildings. You can use your mouse or arrow keys in your keyboard to navigate through the experience.
To return to the signpost click the ‘Overlook’ button on the menu located at the bottom of the screen.
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We want a workforce that feels valued, developed and supported, while maintaining their health and wellbeing at work.

An engaged, motivated and healthy workforce is at the heart of developing and delivering quality services that have the most beneficial impact on our patients and communities. Research shows that higher levels of engagement have a direct and positive effect on organisational performance, patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. Experiencing a pandemic over an extended period of time, on top of already challenging priorities, has massively affected the morale, motivation and health of our workforce. Employee engagement and health and wellbeing needs to be a focus on all agendas, now more than ever. We will work with key stakeholders, including our staff, Clinical Boards, trade union partners, local authorities, third sector, and other organisations, to improve the experiences of not just our workforce, but our patients and citizens.
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We want to attract, recruit and retain the right people with the right skills.

The ability to deliver high quality, compassionate care is dependent on recruiting and retaining individuals with the right skills, abilities, values and experiences. This has become increasingly difficult following the service pressure and workforce resilience associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. The current climate has created a shortage of suitable candidates in many professions, and we need to think differently about how we attract and recruit our current and future workforce, including working with social care partners to develop an integrated workforce, and to support a diverse workforce and inclusive culture. However, we cannot just depend on bringing new people into our workforce; we need to improve how we retain, manage, develop and look after the wellbeing of our existing workforce.
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We want to have a sustainable workforce in sufficient numbers to meet the health and social care needs of our population.

Throughout this plan we have referred to the shortages experienced in some professions and services and the impact this has on service delivery, quality of care and employee experience as well escalating costs. The actions described in relation to the other themes will have a positive impact and move us towards a more sustainable position. However, there is also a need for further workforce modernisation, new roles and extended skills, supported by the improvement of workforce intelligence and workforce planning skills. This includes the development of appropriate efficiency and productivity measures that help facilitate benchmarking and demonstrate value as our workforce shape continues to change.
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We want to have a workforce that is digitally ready, with both the technology available and the skills to utilise this effectively.

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in our working practices, with the pandemic highlighting the importance of a workforce which has both access to technology and the skills to use it. There has been accelerated progress in the development of technologies and the pace at which these have been rolled out, and this has had a positive impact, enabling many to adopt new ways of working, including the ability to work in an agile manner. Technology will be essential in ensuring that we create an agile, accessible Organisation that is able to attract and retain a more diverse workforce and recruit to posts which are traditionally difficult to recruit to. The Digital Strategy will also support the person accessing health and care more easily and our workforce will be able to work across systems, rather than waste, duplicate or cause further harm by repeating procedures that have already been undertaken in different settings.
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We want to have leaders in the health care system who embody inclusive, collective and compassionate leadership.

In order to deliver a sustainable, effective and resilient health care system, our leaders at all levels and within all roles and professions need to understand, recognise and develop inclusive, collective and compassionate leadership principles and behaviours. This in turn will help engage, motivate and develop the people and teams around them. Our leadership approach requires a focus on inclusion, collaboration and authenticity and there needs to be recognition that leadership can happen in any role, regardless of title and banding.
Therefore, we need to create opportunities for all to contribute to innovation, change and improvement. The link between leadership, employee engagement, wellbeing and inclusion, and the impact on patient experience and outcomes, must be at the forefront of all we do.
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We want to invest in education and learning to deliver the skills and capabilities needed to meet the future needs of the people we care for and support our people to progress their careers.

The provision of high quality education and development is fundamental to providing safe, high quality care and helps the workforce to feel valued, motivated and resilient. We need a highly skilled and capable workforce with the values and behaviours necessary to support effective service delivery, the UHB strategy and the COVID recovery plan. Our workforce must also have access to the education, development and support they need to develop the level of competence required to deliver safe and effective care, enhance their skill set and ultimately to progress their careers. This investment in our workforce is crucial as all employees continue to face the challenges brought about by the pandemic and recovery plan. It will also support an integrated, whole-system model and improved seamless working.
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We want to support multi-professional and multi agency working through integration of Health and Social Care services and the development of alternative workforce models to deliver a seamless, co-ordinated approach with partners based on outcomes that matter to the person. Central to the successful delivery of transformed care will be the rebalancing of services and workforce between Secondary and Primary care. We will support the integration of Health and Social Care by fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging, as well as working closely with our partners.

The scale of this theme is huge and it involves significant culture change as well as engagement, commitment and agreement at a time when the immediate pressures placed on us are unprecedented. In order to achieve this ambition, we require whole-system working with a shared vision, aims and outcomes built on strong leadership, and an engaged and motivated workforce who are appropriately skilled and empowered to work more flexibly to meet the needs of our local population. Partnership working with our key stakeholders and trade union and professional bodies will remain at the heart of everything we do.
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A coaching and mentoring culture is about delivering results, improving performance and making the most of people’s potential through asking questions to help them to discover their own solutions and ways forward. When a coaching approach is adopted, hierarchy gives way to partnership and collaboration; and blame gives way to curiosity, honest evaluation and learning.

We will embed a coaching culture by:
Considering coaching and mentoring skills as part of the recruitment process.
Developing a coaching network
Recognising and praising coaching skills during one-to-one meetings and appraisals.
Offering opportunities at all levels to develop coaching and mentoring skills.
Using coaching in meetings and to support difficult conversations.
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A coaching and mentoring culture is about delivering results, improving performance and making the most of people’s potential through asking questions to help them to discover their own solutions and ways forward. When a coaching approach is adopted, hierarchy gives way to partnership and collaboration; and blame gives way to curiosity, honest evaluation and learning.
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A coaching and mentoring culture is about delivering results, improving performance and making the most of people’s potential through asking questions to help them to discover their own solutions and ways forward. When a coaching approach is adopted, hierarchy gives way to partnership and collaboration; and blame gives way to curiosity, honest evaluation and learning.
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Although we can’t influence the actual supply of registered workforce in the short term, we can concentrate our efforts on attracting people by improving the branding of the UHB, promoting the benefits of working here, and targeting specific groups in society.

There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

We will develop a clear strategy for specific targeting of advertising and recruitment, focusing on groups such as:

Ex-military personnel.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups within local community.
Schools and universities.
Shrinking sectors e.g. retail, companies making redundancies.
People with disabilities e.g. through Access to Work, Elite, Remploy.
The homeless via Shelter.
International recruitment.
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An Overseas Nurse Education Centre (ONEC) concept will be established to host the UHB’s Overseas Nurses Adaptation Programme (ONAP) and act as a recruitment tool for UK-based international nurses.
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At Cardiff and Vale UHB (the UHB) we pride ourselves on being a great place to train, work and live; with inclusion, wellbeing and development at the heart of everything we do. We know that in order to meet our population’s health and care needs effectively we are completely dependent on our workforce. The People and Culture Plan is our opportunity to improve the experience of staff, to ensure the improvements we have made over recent years continue, and to confront the challenges which have arisen as a result of the pandemic and subsequent recovery period.

The Plan is aligned to our Strategy ‘Shaping Our Future Wellbeing’ and to a number of key strategic documents including: A Healthier Wales and the national Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care; the UHB Strategic Programmes; and the UHB Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP). The Plan is also aligned with the Operational Plan; thereby ensuring a whole-system approach, that is working at pace to achieve the greatest positive impact, and that it can adapt to rapid service change and workforce pressures. Consideration is also given to our legislative and regulatory requirements, such as those set out in the Wellbeing of Future Generations Ace and the Welsh Language Standards. As such, the Plan aims to deliver an inclusive, engaged, sustainable and responsible workforce, with a greater use of Welsh Language in the workplace, over the next three years and beyond.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Digital technology has had a significant impact on the way people work, and while much of this is for the better, it has caused new challenges, including ‘Teams fatigue’, increased volume of emails, sometimes outside of core working hours, and inadequate breaks away from a screen. We need to develop ways of working which enable us to benefit from these changes effectively, whilst enhancing our wellbeing.

Guidance on how to maintain our wellbeing while working digitally will be developed and communicated widely to support the workforce and promote healthier online working practices.
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Digital technology has had a significant impact on the way people work, and while much of this is for the better, it has caused new challenges, including ‘Teams fatigue’, increased volume of emails, sometimes outside of core working hours, and inadequate breaks away from a screen. We need to develop ways of working which enable us to benefit from these changes effectively, whilst enhancing our wellbeing.

Guidance on how to maintain our wellbeing while working digitally will be developed and communicated widely to support the workforce and promote healthier online working practices.
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen our workforce adapt quickly to the challenges they faced. New surge hospitals were built at the Dragon’s Heart Hospital and Lakeside Wing; new working patterns and new ways of working were adopted; our people were redeployed to priority areas; and there was rapid onboarding of new recruits; all while we responded to the IP&C requirements, the introduction of the CAV247, phone first service and the Mass Vaccination Programme.

We now need to strike a balance, as we learn to live and work with COVID-19. We will need to maintain essential services and manage any additional demands, including seasonal pressures and the backlogs created during the pandemic; all while remaining Covid-ready. The demands faced by the UHB over the next 5 years will be unlike anything we have ever faced before, as services resume and pick up pace following the pandemic and a recovery plan for dealing with increased patient waiting lists is implemented.

In addition to the challenges brought about by the pandemic and the necessary period of recovery, we, along with the broader NHS in Wales, face social, economic, technological and demographic changes. As a result of this the demographic of our workforce also needs to change, and we must adjust the way we recruit, retain and support our people.
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Effective talent and career development are necessary for the sustained motivation and retention of employees and must be a key leadership consideration. There is a clear link between leadership and organisational performance, culture, and employee engagement.

In 2015, a review conducted by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, The King’s Fund and the Centre for Creative Leadership showed the importance of leadership in healthcare. The review concluded that ‘there is clear evidence of the link between leadership and a range of important outcomes within health services, including patient satisfaction, patient mortality, organisational financial performance, employee well-being, engagement, turnover and absenteeism, and overall quality of care’. Therefore, great leadership development improves leadership behaviours and skills, which results in higher levels of colleague engagement which leads to better patient care, experience and outcomes

We will provide opportunities for leaders and managers at all levels to develop skills appropriate for their roles by:

Defining what excellent leaders look like at different levels.
Offering a breadth of accessible development opportunities.
Signposting employees to relevant developmental opportunities.
Identifying development pathways for under-represented groups.
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Having healthy and motivated employees will result in improved retention, increased innovation and lower levels of sickness, as well as better patient experiences and outcomes. Our Health and Wellbeing at work is impacted by ways of working, the working environment, working relationships and behaviours, and role-related aspects such as clarity of role, feedback and recognition, access to development and achievable objectives. Access to wellbeing activities and a health-supporting working environment are important to maintain and improve the health of the workforce. Continuation of smoking cessation services and dietetic support are key to ensuring that employees are able to support their own health.

In addition, through the provision of healthy food options in line with the UHB Healthy Retail and Restaurant Standards, as well as improving access to drinking water across our sites, we will continue to promote a healthy working environment.

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In order for the workforce to be digitally ready, they will need to develop a core set of skills. To achieve this we will:

Identify and quantify the systems already in use.

Create a digital skills framework.

Conduct a skills assessment to map out competency against the framework.

Provide training opportunities and materials.

Understand the governance of sharing information and how we join together as we move to a more integrated model.
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In order for the workforce to be digitally ready, they will need to develop a core set of skills. To achieve this we will:

Identify and quantify the systems already in use.

Create a digital skills framework.

Conduct a skills assessment to map out competency against the framework.
Provide training opportunities and materials.

Understand the governance of sharing information and how we join together as we move to a more integrated model.
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In order to understand our workforce and to recognise where we are doing things right, and where things need to be improved, we must create more opportunities to engage with, and actively listen to, our people. A key priority is to improve upon how we engage with our workforce while considering the quality of the information we gather and what we do with it. Existing mechanisms such as the NHS Wales Staff Survey, the Medical Engagement Scale and local surveys provide a baseline and source of information to build upon. However, to be fully inclusive and engage in two-way conversations, we must create more opportunities for employee engagement that go over and above a staff survey approach. Developing effective ways of engaging with the workforce will be key; along with demonstrating listening and bringing people together to help shape and deliver the Organisation’s Strategy.

We understand that it is not easy to raise a concern and that it can be difficult to know what to do. During an exceptionally challenging time, it is more important now than ever, to respond to concerns promptly and appropriately. We will encourage employees to raise concerns directly with their manager, through their Trade Union, the HR department, or through the Freedom to Speak Up helpline. The Respect and Resolution Policy and Raising Concerns Procedure are also available as avenues for employees to speak up, and training will be offered to all staff to support this.
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Many of the people with us today will remain with us in the future. We value the knowledge, skills and expertise they have now and want to enhance their potential to support the delivery of our future ambitions. Shortages in key roles , the pressures currently experienced by our services and demands on our workforce mean that we need to be creative and focus on new ways of working to support our local population needs. This will be achieved through:

• Releasing capacity through skill mix and advanced/extended roles which will support the future workforce shape and supply.

• Developing the workforce to provide personcentred care, enabling our citizens to be more independent and responsible for their own health and wellbeing.

• Building a future workforce through apprenticeships, Kickstart, succession planning etc.

• Utilising technology to help us where we can be more effective.

• Enabling a more flexible and agile workforce through policy and practice.
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Our aim is to have a whole-population workforce planning approach that will shift focus from siloed, profession-based activities towards a model for the whole health and care economy system. This is closely linked to Theme 1, and will lead to an improvement in workforce planning capabilities through:.

Developing relationships and implementing strategic, integrated workforce planning.

Building capacity and capability in workforce planning.

Designing and profiling the future workforce on a population health basis.

Ensuring plans are in place for each Clinical Board, aligned to our commissioning intentions and taking into account tertiary and specialist services, with cross cutting themes outlining progress towards strategic objectives.

Developing the Welsh language skills of our employees and recruiting bilingual employees to ensure service delivery through the medium of Welsh.
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Our aim is to have a whole-population workforce planning approach that will shift focus from siloed, profession-based activities towards a model for the whole health and care economy system. This is closely linked to Theme 1, and will lead to an improvement in workforce planning capabilities through:

Developing relationships and implementing strategic, integrated workforce planning.

Building capacity and capability in workforce planning.

Designing and profiling the future workforce on a population health basis.

Ensuring plans are in place for each Clinical Board, aligned to our commissioning intentions and taking into account tertiary and specialist services, with cross cutting themes outlining progress towards strategic objectives.

Developing the Welsh language skills of our employees and recruiting bilingual employees to ensure service delivery through the medium of Welsh.
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Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with Shared Services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.
This will include:
Advertising posts in a wide range of places to reach a wider audience.
Reducing the time taken for candidates to be recruited.
Offering the choice of face to face or virtual interviews.
Embedding the Values and Behaviours Framework in our recruitment processes.
Providing enhanced training for managers.
Using equality and diversity legislation for Positive Action.
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Our structure will also be key to supporting the transformation we want to see. We need to be flexible to meet the changing needs of services; removing barriers to accessing the right health and care workforce and helping individuals remain as close to home as possible. This will require different workforce models and teams. We understand that changing teams is not easy, and recognise the expert knowledge that is held locally. We will consult, support and facilitate the evolution of teams to allow decision making to be made closer to the person, whilst remaining within safe and professional standards delivered by a more agile and digitally-enabled workforce.

Developing and implementing a clear integrated health and social care structure will be key to enabling the transformation of our services and workforce. Clear lines of managerial and professional accountability and responsibility will be essential; with an emphasis on reducing waste, avoiding duplication and eliminating harm.

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Potential applicants may be put off applying for jobs with us due to a lack of experience or because they do not have the right qualifications. To help overcome this we will:

Provide work experience opportunities and open days.
Promote agile working and flexibility, including working on the Bank.
Improve our advertising, marketing and branding including a new career website.
Develop a recruitment calendar.
Introduce Health Ambassadors and staff stories.

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Preceptorship programmes for all clinical professions will be reviewed and revised in line with guidance from professional bodies. Both inter-professional development opportunities for preceptees and a multi-professional preceptorship framework will be developed internally. In addition, we will work with HEIW and Welsh Government regarding National preceptorship developments.
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Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board. A complete programme of work to reduce turnover has recently been implemented involving a number of far reaching initiatives, including the following:

Improving employee engagement and health and wellbeing.
Building line management capability.
Improving workforce analytics.
Providing dedicated support to new recruits and listening to their feedback.
Promoting a range of flexible and agile working arrangements, including flexible retirement.
Extending the Internal Transfer Scheme to all staff groups Internal development and succession planning.
Enhancing the exit interview platform to improve our understanding.
We will also support retention by proactively supporting an older workforce both through policy and procedures and by encouraging managers to have conversations with their staff around retirement much earlier in their working life.
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The Health Intervention Team has undertaken an extensive consultation with the workforce across the UHB. We need to ensure that we continue to build on this to keep learning and address key areas which impact on our people.

We will also provide a voice for our people by strengthening and building networks for those who have shared protected characteristics, including individuals from our ethnic minority communities, the LGTBQ+ Rainbow Fflag network, and people with a disability. We will also develop an ‘ally’ approach to championing inclusivity, equality and diversity within the Clinical Boards.
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The Meddwl Cymraeg - Think Welsh campaign encourages employees to consider how the Welsh language can be incorporated into their everyday roles. We will continue to encourage our workforce to use their Welsh language skills at work and offer opportunities for learners and improvers through the ‘Work Welsh’ lessons.

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The People and Culture Plan is a road-map that will help us improve the experience of our people both now and in the future, while supporting the integration of health and social care services to deliver a seamless, co-ordinated approach from different providers, based on outcomes that matter to the person. Our workforce will be required to embrace new ways of working in teams, across organisations and sectors, aided by technology. There will be opportunities to develop existing roles, building new or advanced roles, skills and capabilities in areas that we have not done so before.

Through the implementation of this Plan we will harness the right skills, in the right number, at the right time; thereby, reducing duplication and waste and avoiding harm wherever possible. We want our workforce to be happy, healthy and supported, so that they can in turn, support the wellbeing of the people in their care. We will ensure our workforce is treated fairly and everyone is recognised for the contribution they make. We will also use this opportunity to ensure our workforce is reflective of our diverse population through developing an inclusive culture where diversity is welcomed, and by encouraging our people to deliver care using the Welsh language and as part of their working life.
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The UHB has already started the mammoth task of scoping out the educational and training needs of the workforce through Values Based Appraisals, revalidation and job planning discussions. The development of new models of care will present opportunities for our workforce to learn new competency-based ways of working. Working differently will provide employees with more flexibility in their careers; recognising their skills and promoting co-production to care for the person. These goals will require us to work together across organisations to build an integrated and consistent approach to education, learning and development that crosses traditional organisational and sector boundaries.
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The rapid rollout of technology has unquestionably helped us in unprecedented times. However, we now need to ensure we keep abreast of enhancements to existing systems and explore new emerging technologies which may have a positive impact on the workforce.
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The rapid rollout of technology has unquestionably helped us in unprecedented times. However, we now need to ensure we keep abreast of enhancements to existing systems and explore new emerging technologies which may have a positive impact on the workforce.
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The underlying goal of analytics is to identify, interpret and communicate patterns that can inform strategic decisions and improve performance.

We will strive to become a Centre of Excellence for workforce intelligence and analytics, with high quality, standardised reports and sophisticated modelling techniques to support workforce planning, development, efficiency and productivity. We will achieve this by upskilling HR to become more data-literate, improving the quality of the data by training users and ensuring data is easily accessible through a visual dashboard. This will enable us to move towards more data-driven workforce and educational planning to support future skills requirements.
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The use of technology has made agile working a reality for many. However, some barriers remain, and more needs to be done to enhance this experience for the workforce to make it seamless and to ensure that we maximise the benefits of agile working for the Organisation, the service and the individual. By utilising technology in this way we will be able to support health and care closer to home and enable the workforce to deliver the service in any setting.
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There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with shared services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.

Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board.
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There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with shared services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.

Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board.
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There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with shared services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.

Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board.
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There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with shared services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.

Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board.
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Through consultation with employees 6 key themes have been identified as central in the development of the Health and Wellbeing Plan:

• Wellbeing - ensuring this is integrated, accessible and normalised.
• Respect - which is multidirectional and embedded.
• Training & Education - which is prepared, developed and accessible.
• Management & Leadership - so our people are supported, effective and visible.
• IT & Communication - which is clear, fair and consistent.
• Physical Environment and Facilities - which are modern and fit for purpose.
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To meet our population’s health and care needs effectively, we need to ensure that we can deliver our services closer to, or at, home. Attending hospital should only occur when it is not possible to provide care and/or treatment safely anywhere else. Our plan is completely dependent on our workforce being creative and innovative to deliver health and care in different ways, putting the person at the heart of all we do.

This Plan is built around 7 themes which are based on the themes set out in the Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care, with an added emphasis on retention in theme 3 to recognise the importance of retaining our workforce as well as recruiting new people.

1. Seamless workforce models.
2. Engaged, motivated and healthy workforce.
3. Attract, recruit and retain.
4. Building a digitally ready workforce.
5. Excellent education and learning.
6. Leadership and succession.
7. Workforce supply and shape.
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To overcome the barrier of access to core technologies, all employees should be provided with access to our main IT systems. This underpins everything else on the agenda of developing a ready and capable workforce. Providing the workforce with access to these technologies demonstrates a more inclusive approach, by offering equitable access for all and helping reduce the digital divide.
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To overcome the barrier of access to core technologies, all employees should be provided with access to our main IT systems. This underpins everything else on the agenda of developing a ready and capable workforce. Providing the workforce with access to these technologies demonstrates a more inclusive approach, by offering equitable access for all and helping reduce the digital divide.
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We are committed to supporting our workforce at all levels to develop, grow and achieve their full potential by creating a learning culture throughout our organisation, which includes adopting a coaching approach to learning. Our aim is for development and coaching to be seen as enablers for new ways of working, improving self-awareness and fostering collaboration across multi-disciplinary teams. Team development will also support healthy working relationships and improve morale.
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We are committed to working with our communities and partners to improve health outcomes for everyone, delivering outcomes that matter to people, and would like to thank all of you who have contributed. As the UHB takes the next steps to describing our future services, we are looking forward to working with you further.
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We will continue to develop a culture where everyone feels valued for the work they do. We will ensure that our people are rewarded and recognised, both informally and formally, for the contribution they make, across the whole system and in line with our Values. We will continue to host and nominate people for local, UHB and external awards, celebrating and publicising success and praising via the values based appraisal process. We will also create more opportunities to say thank you on a local, organisational and national level. Measures of success for this theme include:

• NHS Wales staff survey / local pulse survey

• Medical Engagement Survey.

• Wellbeing Surveys / HIT reviews.

• Reduced sickness absence and reasons for sickness.

• Reduced turnover.

• Staff benefits.
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We will develop an organisational Health Care Support Worker (HCSW) development framework which will help clinical Health Care Support Worker across all professions to progress their careers and, where possible, achieve registration.
We will also develop education programmes to support career development pathways for all staff groups.
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We will develop and implement an overarching education infrastructure for Cardiff and Vale UHB which will encompass a number of academies. The workforce will be engaged with and consulted on the development of these academies to ensure local knowledge and expertise is incorporated.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Esuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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We will embrace and develop systems which support the Organisation in its drive to improve efficiency and effectiveness. By developing productivity measures we will be able to facilitate benchmarking and demonstrate value as our workforce shape continues to change.

Our top priorities are:
Continuing the implementation and effective use of e-rostering systems and accelerating roll out where possible.

Optimising medical workforce sessions aligned to patient outcomes through effective job planning.

Utilising ESR to its full potential by training and upskilling managers to understand how the system can support them to manage their teams.

Maximising the use of L&D functionality on ESR by recording development needs identified within the appraisal process and the Organisation’s TNA.

Creating a less bureaucratic job evaluation process for the Organisation, whilst working within the parameters of the Agenda for Change Job Evaluation system.
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We will establish a UHB Inter-Professional Clinical Education Group to oversee the development of an inter-professional and inclusive UHB Education Strategy that represents all clinical staff groups working across nursing, medicine, allied health professions and health science, and fosters a culture of inter-professional education.
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We will improve people outcomes by tackling workforce shortages and increase job satisfaction through the development of new and amended roles. This will be achieved by utilising a number of key enablers with the overall aim of redesigning roles to benefit our patients, our workforce and our population.
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We will improve people outcomes by tackling workforce shortages and increase job satisfaction through the development of new and amended roles. This will be achieved by utilising a number of key enablers with the overall aim of redesigning roles to benefit our patients, our workforce and our population.

We will influence supply by aligning local workforce plans to the strategic plans and ensuring they are supported by the data e.g. maintaining education to grow the future workforce, growing apprenticeships (including advanced and higher level apprenticeships), building on the success of the Kickstart programme and increasing opportunities for our existing employees to undertake training and education.

New ways of working will be introduced to create a culture that breaks through system, sector and professional barriers. This will be achieved through:
New roles (including extended / advanced roles) as a response to workforce shortages and increasing job satisfaction.

Upskilling to create a competent workforce, working to its maximum potential; an agile workforce which can be deployed; and a capable workforce with future-facing knowledge and skills.
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• Develop and implement an effective engagement framework.

• Create an informed and forward thinking Wellbeing Strategy and plan that has measurable outcomes.

• Support a learning culture through developing a coaching approach and reviewing delivery of learning.

• Revisit the Values to ensure they are understood and part of all we do e.g. values based recruitment, values based appraisal.

• Encourage employee involvement and create improved opportunities for feedback that demonstrate two-way inclusive conversations.

• Consider the working environment recognising the impact of working conditions on wellbeing, including physical and behavioural aspects.

• Continue to support our employees to improve their own health, ensuring that they have access to the right information, services and activities.
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• Employees at risk of, and experiencing, burnout and exhaustion.

• Developing effective, inclusive and accessible ways of enabling employee involvement.

• Enabling and empowering the workforce to work to the ‘top of their licence’ or scope of practice.

• Balancing increased demand for services and supporting employee wellbeing and development, against the back-drop of hard to fill vacancies, sickness rates.

• Supporting and developing employees in new roles who have had minimal access to training to date due to the pandemic response.

• Ability to release people from duties to attend development and reflection/wellbeing sessions.
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• Large scale vacancies in a number of professions.

• High vacancy levels across UK labour market (1.1m)

• Turnover in some staff groups is higher than the national average.

• High competition from neighbouring Health Boards and other Health/Care employers.

• High reliance on Bank and Agency.

• Silo working.
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• Improved access to services, closer to home, with better patient outcomes and experience.

• Fewer boundaries between services and sectors.

• Reduced waste, harm and variation.

• Opportunities to review operating models and establishments to improve ways of working.

• Integrated strategic workforce planning and OD.

• An engaged and motivated workforce.
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Welcome to our Virtual People and Culture Plan
The Plan is split into 7 colour coded themes which you can access via the signpost, or alternatively you can take a stroll through our town and see what you find along the way.
Look out for the arrows to take you to the different sections and help you explore the buildings. You can use your mouse or arrow keys in your keyboard to navigate through the experience.
To return to the signpost click the ‘Overlook’ button on the menu located at the bottom of the screen.

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In 2022-23
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About This Plan
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Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Cardiff and Vale Centre for Health Excellence
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Career Pathways
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Developing a Learning Culture
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Health and Wellbeing
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In 2022 - 2023
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In 2022 - 2023
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Inter-professional education
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Meddwl Cymraeg - Think Welsh
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Overseas Nurse Education
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People Analytics
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Shaping the Workforce
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Strategic Workforce Planning Capabilities
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Theme 1: Seamless Workforce Models
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Theme 2: An Engaged, Healthy Workforce
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Theme 3: Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Theme 4: Digitally Ready Workforce
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Theme 5: Education and Learning
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Theme 6: Leadership and Succession
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Theme 7: Introduction
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Workforce Planning
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Workforce Systems
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In 2022-23
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Coaching and Mentoring
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Compassionate Leadership
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In 2022 - 2023
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Learning And Skills Development
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Listening to Our Workforce
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Reward and Recognition
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Reward and Recognition
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Reward and Recognition
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Reward and Recognition
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Developing leaders at all levels.
Providing a wealth of development opportunities in a way that reaches leaders at all levels i.e. flexible, easy to access and available across the system.
Planning for succession.
Ensuring our leaders are digitally capable.

To address these challenges we will:
Identify potential leaders at all levels and in all professions.
Develop leadership and management programmes, masterclasses and coaching and mentoring networks to facilitate skills development.
Ensure our leaders have access to the right digital equipment and also have the skills to use it.
Embed a timely and robust evaluation process.
Strive for a psychologically safe workforce.
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Encouraging the workforce to embrace new ways of working.
Developing existing roles and building new advanced roles, skills and capabilities in new areas.

Enabling and empowering the workforce to work to the ‘top of their licence’ or scope of practice.

Providing a climate for innovation, creativity and drive to enable solutions for real and lasting change.

Harness the right skills, in the right number, at the right time, thereby reducing duplication and waste and avoiding harm wherever possible.

• Building a digital ready workforce so that access and geography are not a barrier.

• Breaking down organisational barriers.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Focus on strategic workforce planning to find more sustainable, future-focused solutions rather than short term decisions which do not address the longer term challenges.

Involve our people in decisions and developments.

Engage and collaborate with our partners.

Protect time for innovation, moving away from traditional thinking.

Review operating models and establishments.

Invest and think about the future.
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Identify potential leaders at all levels and in all professions.

Develop leadership and management programmes, masterclasses and coaching and mentoring networks to facilitate skills development.

Ensure our leaders have access to the right digital equipment and also have the skills to use it.

Embed a timely and robust evaluation process.

Strive for a psychologically safe workforce.
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Supply - there are significant shortages in some professions, services and skills.

Rising levels of absence, vacancies and turnover.

A lack of capacity and resources for innovation, modelling, planning etc.

Lack of engagement and collaboration.

A focus on operational planning which meets current challenges but does not provide longer-term people solutions.
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The workforce has had to rapidly upskill themselves, in already challenging circumstances.

Implementation of these technologies has highlighted issues with system design.

New challenges for the workforce e.g. regularity of Teams meetings and volume of email correspondence.

Whilst the adoption of new technologies has assisted the workforce and raised the bar of what is possible for many, this has not yet been universal and the digital divide is wider than ever before.

To address these challenges we will focus on:
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Unprecedented workforce pressures significantly compromising the ability to release staff.

Funding limitations and limited uptake of externally-funded learning opportunities.

The impact of the constraints imposed by the pandemic on face-to-face learning.

Leadership, management and clinical education is well established but there are limited development opportunities for many other staff groups.
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We intend to increase the number of staff in non-traditional roles, to reflect the skills required to care for our population, e.g. apprentices, Physician Associates, Assistant Practitioners, Multi-skilled support workers, etc.

We will build and extend the capability of managers using ESR by increasing the education and training available to them.

We will complete the effective roll out of Health Roster across all nursing areas by March 23 and implement Safe Care. We will embed effective rostering principles and practices.

By 2022-23 we will Implement and roll out e-rostering for Medical & Dental Staff.

We want to improve the workforce data that is available to assist with strategic decision making by 2023-24 and aim to have real time data available from 2023-24.

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We want to increase the number of staff who complete the NHS Staff Survey, our ambition is to increase the response rate by 10% in 22-23 and by a further 10% by the next survey. This will provide us with more meaningful data both qualitative and quantitive. Our aim would also be to improve the engagement index score in 22-23 and beyond.

We will improve the health and wellbeing of our workforce and in doing so reduce absence to a more sustainable position. We are aiming for a reduction to 6% in 22-23 and 5.5% in 23-24 with the intention of further reducing in 24-25.

We aim to reduce the number of staff on long term sick leave suffering with stress, anxiety, depression by 10% in 22-23 and a further 10% in 23-24.
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We will continue to raise awareness of the importance of undertaking appraisals with staff and increase compliance to 50% in 22-23 and 85% in 23-24. We will embed effective talent management processes to grow our own talent.
We will increase the number of trained and active coaches within the UHB to support with individual development.

By 22-23 the aim is to identify 36 members of staff to undertake the Senior Leadership Programme and identify leadership pathways at every level.
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We will implement the pathway in 22-23 for HCSW’s to undertake the training and development to progress to Band 4 Assistant Practitioner roles in 23-24.

We want to increase the number of HCSW’s who undertake the registered nursing programme and gain registration with the NMC.

We aim to Increase the number of staff who access learning, development and training opportunities by 50% by 23-24, including e-learning, virtual learning, etc.
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The unemployed sector.
Peer workers (people with lived in experience)
Welsh speakers.

Potential applicants may be put off applying for jobs with us due to a lack of experience or because they do not have the right qualifications. To help overcome this we will:

Provide work experience opportunities and open days.
Promote agile working and flexibility, including working on the Bank.
Improve our advertising, marketing and branding including a new career website.
Develop a recruitment calendar.
Introduce Health Ambassadors and staff stories.
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We aim to improve retention across the UHB to a healthy level, i.e. between 7- 9% by 22-23. In 23-24 our aim will be to continue to reduce the turnover in staff groups that are over 9% to a more sustainable position.

Whilst focusing on reducing turnover, efforts will also be targeted at improving workforce supply, especially in staff groups where there is a known shortage. Our aim by 23-24 is for vacancies across the UHB to be 5% or below.

We will increase the diversity of our workforce through inclusive recruitment. For example, increase number of Welsh speakers, increase number of staff who are non-white British, have a disability, LGBTQ+, etc.
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Shaping Our Future Wellbeing Strategy

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) is one of the largest NHS organisations in the UK, providing healthcare services for 475,000 people living in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Working with many professional groups, we promote healthy lifestyles whilst planning and providing healthcare in people's homes, community facilities and hospitals. In addition to considering
the needs of the local population, the UHB also provides specialist care to the people of South Wales, Wales and for some services, the wider UK.

Caring for People; Keeping People Well is why we exist as a UHB, with a vision that a person’s chance of leading a healthy life is the same wherever they live and whoever they are.

In beginning the journey to make this vision a reality, we have been working with staff, people who use our services and partner organisations to shape our strategic direction. At its heart our strategy has the desire to achieve joined up care based on home first, avoiding harm, waste and variation, empowering people and delivering outcomes that matter to them.
In considering how to Shape Our Future Wellbeing, we have focused on the health and care needs of our local population, whilst recognising the need to work more collaboratively with our partners to provide sustainable services; including those which we provide to the wider Welsh population.

We are committed to working with our communities and partners to improve health outcomes for everyone, delivering outcomes that matter to people, and would like to thank all of you who have contributed. As the UHB takes the next steps to describing our future services, we are looking forward to working with you further.
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Slippers for Christmas

With around 500 people aged over 65 attending Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s
emergency unit for falls each month, a new campaign was designed to remind people that
falls are preventable and are not an inevitable part of ageing. Old, worn or ill-fitting slippers are one of the main causes of falls in older people.

Slippers for Christmas aimed to encourage people to buy new slippers for their loved ones.
The campaign was hugely popular, with members of the public, the media and other
health boards across Wales showing their support. It also had backing from politicians and sporting stars and reached over 100,000 people on social media.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Ensuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Ensuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Ensuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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Although we can’t influence the actual supply of registered workforce in the short term, we can concentrate our efforts on attracting people by improving the branding of the UHB, promoting the benefits of working here, and targeting specific groups in society.

There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

We will develop a clear strategy for specific targeting of advertising and recruitment, focusing on groups such as:

Ex-military personnel.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups within local community.
Schools and universities.
Shrinking sectors e.g. retail, companies making redundancies.
People with disabilities e.g. through Access to Work, Elite, Remploy.
The homeless via Shelter.
International recruitment.
The unemployed sector.
Peer workers (people with lived in experience)
Welsh speakers.

Potential applicants may be put off applying for jobs with us due to a lack of experience or because they do not have the right qualifications. To help overcome this we will:

Provide work experience opportunities and open days.
Promote agile working and flexibility, including working on the Bank.
Improve our advertising, marketing and branding including a new career website.
Develop a recruitment calendar.
Introduce Health Ambassadors and staff stories.
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Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with Shared Services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.
This will include:
Advertising posts in a wide range of places to reach a wider audience.
Reducing the time taken for candidates to be recruited.
Offering the choice of face to face or virtual interviews.
Embedding the Values and Behaviours Framework in our recruitment processes.
Providing enhanced training for managers.
Using equality and diversity legislation for Positive Action.
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Potential applicants may be put off applying for jobs with us due to a lack of experience or because they do not have the right qualifications. To help overcome this we will:

Provide work experience opportunities and open days.
Promote agile working and flexibility, including working on the Bank.
Improve our advertising, marketing and branding including a new career website.
Develop a recruitment calendar.
Introduce Health Ambassadors and staff stories.

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There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with shared services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.

Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board.
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There are over 300 different jobs within the NHS, but many people think only of the ‘traditional’ roles, such as nursing and medicine. Promoting the vast range of roles available at all levels will be a key factor in increasing the supply of suitable applicants and widening our workforce.

Our current recruitment processes can be viewed as long , complex and off-putting. We will work with shared services to explore ways of providing a more streamlined approach to recruitment, within the confines of the NHS Jobs and Trac systems, to ensure we provide candidates with a positive experience.

Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board.
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To overcome the barrier of access to core technologies, all employees should be provided with access to our main IT systems. This underpins everything else on the agenda of developing a ready and capable workforce. Providing the workforce with access to these technologies demonstrates a more inclusive approach, by offering equitable access for all and helping reduce the digital divide.
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We are committed to working with our communities and partners to improve health outcomes for everyone, delivering outcomes that matter to people, and would like to thank all of you who have contributed. As the UHB takes the next steps to describing our future services, we are looking forward to working with you further.
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We will continue to develop a culture where everyone feels valued for the work they do. We will ensure that our people are rewarded and recognised, both informally and formally, for the contribution they make, across the whole system and in line with our Values. We will continue to host and nominate people for local, UHB and external awards, celebrating and publicising success and praising via the values based appraisal process. We will also create more opportunities to say thank you on a local, organisational and national level. Measures of success for this theme include:

• NHS Wales staff survey / local pulse survey

• Medical Engagement Survey.

• Wellbeing Surveys / HIT reviews.

• Reduced sickness absence and reasons for sickness.

• Reduced turnover.

• Staff benefits.
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We will develop an organisational Health Care Support Worker (HCSW) development framework which will help clinical Health Care Support Worker across all professions to progress their careers and, where possible, achieve registration.
We will also develop education programmes to support career development pathways for all staff groups.

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A coaching and mentoring culture is about delivering results, improving performance and making the most of people’s potential through asking questions to help them to discover their own solutions and ways forward. When a coaching approach is adopted, hierarchy gives way to partnership and collaboration; and blame gives way to curiosity, honest evaluation and learning.

We will embed a coaching culture by:
Considering coaching and mentoring skills as part of the recruitment process.
Developing a coaching network
Recognising and praising coaching skills during one-to-one meetings and appraisals.
Offering opportunities at all levels to develop coaching and mentoring skills.
Using coaching in meetings and to support difficult conversations.
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A coaching and mentoring culture is about delivering results, improving performance and making the most of people’s potential through asking questions to help them to discover their own solutions and ways forward. When a coaching approach is adopted, hierarchy gives way to partnership and collaboration; and blame gives way to curiosity, honest evaluation and learning.
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A coaching and mentoring culture is about delivering results, improving performance and making the most of people’s potential through asking questions to help them to discover their own solutions and ways forward. When a coaching approach is adopted, hierarchy gives way to partnership and collaboration; and blame gives way to curiosity, honest evaluation and learning.
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A coaching and mentoring culture is about delivering results, improving performance and making the most of people’s potential through asking questions to help them to discover their own solutions and ways forward. When a coaching approach is adopted, hierarchy gives way to partnership and collaboration; and blame gives way to curiosity, honest evaluation and learning.
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An Overseas Nurse Education Centre (ONEC) concept will be established to host the UHB’s Overseas Nurses Adaptation Programme (ONAP) and act as a recruitment tool for UK-based international nurses.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Digital technology has had a significant impact on the way people work, and while much of this is for the better, it has caused new challenges, including ‘Teams fatigue’, increased volume of emails, sometimes outside of core working hours, and inadequate breaks away from a screen. We need to develop ways of working which enable us to benefit from these changes effectively, whilst enhancing our wellbeing.

Guidance on how to maintain our wellbeing while working digitally will be developed and communicated widely to support the workforce and promote healthier online working practices.
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In order for the workforce to be digitally ready, they will need to develop a core set of skills. To achieve this we will:

Identify and quantify the systems already in use.

Create a digital skills framework.

Conduct a skills assessment to map out competency against the framework.

Provide training opportunities and materials.

Understand the governance of sharing information and how we join together as we move to a more integrated model.
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Our aim is to have a whole-population workforce planning approach that will shift focus from siloed, profession-based activities towards a model for the whole health and care economy system. This is closely linked to Theme 1, and will lead to an improvement in workforce planning capabilities through:.

Developing relationships and implementing strategic, integrated workforce planning.

Building capacity and capability in workforce planning.

Designing and profiling the future workforce on a population health basis.

Ensuring plans are in place for each Clinical Board, aligned to our commissioning intentions and taking into account tertiary and specialist services, with cross cutting themes outlining progress towards strategic objectives.

Developing the Welsh language skills of our employees and recruiting bilingual employees to ensure service delivery through the medium of Welsh.
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Our aim is to have a whole-population workforce planning approach that will shift focus from siloed, profession-based activities towards a model for the whole health and care economy system. This is closely linked to Theme 1, and will lead to an improvement in workforce planning capabilities through:

Developing relationships and implementing strategic, integrated workforce planning.

Building capacity and capability in workforce planning.

Designing and profiling the future workforce on a population health basis.

Ensuring plans are in place for each Clinical Board, aligned to our commissioning intentions and taking into account tertiary and specialist services, with cross cutting themes outlining progress towards strategic objectives.

Developing the Welsh language skills of our employees and recruiting bilingual employees to ensure service delivery through the medium of Welsh.
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Preceptorship programmes for all clinical professions will be reviewed and revised in line with guidance from professional bodies. Both inter-professional development opportunities for preceptees and a multi-professional preceptorship framework will be developed internally. In addition, we will work with HEIW and Welsh Government regarding National preceptorship developments.
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The Meddwl Cymraeg - Think Welsh campaign encourages employees to consider how the Welsh language can be incorporated into their everyday roles. We will continue to encourage our workforce to use their Welsh language skills at work and offer opportunities for learners and improvers through the ‘Work Welsh’ lessons.
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The rapid rollout of technology has unquestionably helped us in unprecedented times. However, we now need to ensure we keep abreast of enhancements to existing systems and explore new emerging technologies which may have a positive impact on the workforce.

Over the next 3 years, as part of this Plan, we will strive to foster innovation through the exploitation of current systems and adoption of new technologies.
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The underlying goal of analytics is to identify, interpret and communicate patterns that can inform strategic decisions and improve performance.

We will strive to become a Centre of Excellence for workforce intelligence and analytics, with high quality, standardised reports and sophisticated modelling techniques to support workforce planning, development, efficiency and productivity. We will achieve this by upskilling HR to become more data-literate, improving the quality of the data by training users and ensuring data is easily accessible through a visual dashboard. This will enable us to move towards more data-driven workforce and educational planning to support future skills requirements.
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The use of technology has made agile working a reality for many. However, some barriers remain, and more needs to be done to enhance this experience for the workforce to make it seamless and to ensure that we maximise the benefits of agile working for the Organisation, the service and the individual. By utilising technology in this way we will be able to support health and care closer to home and enable the workforce to deliver the service in any setting.
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We will develop and implement an overarching education infrastructure for Cardiff and Vale UHB which will encompass a number of academies. The workforce will be engaged with and consulted on the development of these academies to ensure local knowledge and expertise is incorporated.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Ensuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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We will embrace and develop systems which support the Organisation in its drive to improve efficiency and effectiveness. By developing productivity measures we will be able to facilitate benchmarking and demonstrate value as our workforce shape continues to change.

Our top priorities are:
Continuing the implementation and effective use of e-rostering systems and accelerating roll out where possible.
Optimising medical workforce sessions aligned to patient outcomes through effective job planning.
Utilising ESR to its full potential by training and upskilling managers to understand how the system can support them to manage their teams.
Maximising the use of L&D functionality on ESR by recording development needs identified within the appraisal process and the Organisation’s TNA.
Creating a less bureaucratic job evaluation process for the Organisation, whilst working within the parameters of the Agenda for Change Job Evaluation system.
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We will establish a UHB Inter-Professional Clinical Education Group to oversee the development of an inter-professional and inclusive UHB Education Strategy that represents all clinical staff groups working across nursing, medicine, allied health professions and health science, and fosters a culture of inter-professional education.
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We will improve people outcomes by tackling workforce shortages and increase job satisfaction through the development of new and amended roles. This will be achieved by utilising a number of key enablers with the overall aim of redesigning roles to benefit our patients, our workforce and our population.

We will influence supply by aligning local workforce plans to the strategic plans and ensuring they are supported by the data e.g. maintaining education to grow the future workforce, growing apprenticeships (including advanced and higher level apprenticeships), building on the success of the Kickstart programme and increasing opportunities for our existing employees to undertake training and education.

New ways of working will be introduced to create a culture that breaks through system, sector and professional barriers. This will be achieved through:
New roles (including extended / advanced roles) as a response to workforce shortages and increasing job satisfaction.

Upskilling to create a competent workforce, working to its maximum potential; an agile workforce which can be deployed; and a capable workforce with future-facing knowledge and skills.
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Cardiff and Vale Centre for Health Excellence (CAV-CEHE)
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Career Pathways
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In 2022 - 2023
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Inter-professional education
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Llwybrau Gyrfa
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Overseas Nurse Education
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In 2022-23
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Attract, Recruit and Retain
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Attract, Recruit and Retain
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In 2022 - 2023
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People Analytics
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Shaping the Workforce
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Strategic Workforce Planning Capabilities
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Workforce Systems
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In 2022 - 2023
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Effective talent and career development are necessary for the sustained motivation and retention of employees and must be a key leadership consideration. There is a clear link between leadership and organisational performance, culture, and employee engagement.

In 2015, a review conducted by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, The King’s Fund and the Centre for Creative Leadership showed the importance of leadership in healthcare. The review concluded that ‘there is clear evidence of the link between leadership and a range of important outcomes within health services, including patient satisfaction, patient mortality, organisational financial performance, employee well-being, engagement, turnover and absenteeism, and overall quality of care’. Therefore, great leadership development improves leadership behaviours and skills, which results in higher levels of colleague engagement which leads to better patient care, experience and outcomes

We will provide opportunities for leaders and managers at all levels to develop skills appropriate for their roles by:

• Defining what excellent leaders look like at different levels.
• Offering a breadth of accessible development opportunities.
• Signposting employees to relevant developmental opportunities.
• Identifying development pathways for under-represented groups.
Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles

Being treated with compassion helps us to feel safe and valued, which improves our cognitive function and wellbeing. In turn, we become more engaged and our performance improves. We will embed the principles of compassionate leadership across the Organisation by incorporating them into our recruitment, training and development.
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Listening to Our Workforce

In order to understand our workforce and to recognise where we are doing things right, and where things need to be improved, we must create more opportunities to engage with, and actively listen to, our people. A key priority is to improve upon how we engage with our workforce while considering the quality of the information we gather and what we do with it. Existing mechanisms such as the NHS Wales Staff Survey, the Medical Engagement Scale and local surveys provide a baseline and source of information to build upon. However, to be fully inclusive and engage in two-way conversations, we must create more opportunities for employee engagement that go over and above a staff survey approach. Developing effective ways of engaging with the workforce will be key; along with demonstrating listening and bringing people together to help shape and deliver the Organisation’s Strategy.

We understand that it is not easy to raise a concern and that it can be difficult to know what to do. During an exceptionally challenging time, it is more important now than ever, to respond to concerns promptly and appropriately. We will encourage employees to raise concerns directly with their manager, through their Trade Union, the HR department, or through the Freedom to Speak Up helpline. The Respect and Resolution Policy and Raising Concerns Procedure are also available as avenues for employees to speak up, and training will be offered to all staff to support this.

The Health Intervention Team has undertaken an extensive consultation with the workforce across the UHB. We need to ensure that we continue to build on this to keep learning and address key areas which impact on our people.

We will also provide a voice for our people by strengthening and building networks for those who have shared protected characteristics, including individuals from our ethnic minority communities, the LGTBQ+ Rainbow Fflag network, and people with a disability. We will also develop an ‘ally’ approach to championing inclusivity, equality and diversity within the Clinical Boards.
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Our structure will also be key to supporting the transformation we want to see. We need to be flexible to meet the changing needs of services; removing barriers to accessing the right health and care workforce and helping individuals remain as close to home as possible. This will require different workforce models and teams. We understand that changing teams is not easy, and recognise the expert knowledge that is held locally. We will consult, support and facilitate the evolution of teams to allow decision making to be made closer to the person, whilst remaining within safe and professional standards delivered by a more agile and digitally-enabled workforce.
Developing and implementing a clear integrated health and social care structure will be key to enabling the transformation of our services and workforce. Clear lines of managerial and professional accountability and responsibility will be essential; with an emphasis on reducing waste, avoiding duplication and eliminating harm.
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In 2022-23
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Coaching and Mentoring
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Incorporating Inclusive, Collective & Compassionate Leadership Principles
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Reward and Recognition
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Reward and Recognition
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Reward and Recognition
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Reward and Recognition
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• Supply - there are significant shortages in some professions, services and skills.
• Rising levels of absence, vacancies and turnover.
• A lack of capacity and resources for innovation, modelling, planning etc.
• Lack of engagement and collaboration.
• A focus on operational planning which meets current challenges but does not provide longer-term people solutions.


• Focus on strategic workforce planning to find more sustainable, future-focused solutions rather than short term decisions which do not address the longer term challenges.
• Involve our people in decisions and developments.
• Engage and collaborate with our partners.
• Protect time for innovation, moving away from traditional thinking.
• Review operating models and establishments.
• Invest and think about the future.
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Theme 7: Introduction

We want to have a sustainable workforce in sufficient numbers to meet the health and social care needs of our population.

Throughout this plan we have referred to the shortages experienced in some professions and services and the impact this has on service delivery, quality of care and employee experience as well escalating costs. The actions described in relation to the other themes will have a positive impact and move us towards a more sustainable position. However, there is also a need for further workforce modernisation, new roles and extended skills, supported by the improvement of workforce intelligence and workforce planning skills. This includes the development of appropriate efficiency and productivity measures that help facilitate benchmarking and demonstrate value as our workforce shape continues to change.
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• Unprecedented workforce pressures significantly compromising the ability to release staff.
• Funding limitations and limited uptake of externally-funded learning opportunities.
• The impact of the constraints imposed by the pandemic on face-to-face learning.
• Leadership, management and clinical education is well established but there are limited development opportunities for many other staff groups.


• Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.
• Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
• Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
• Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.
• Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Theme 5: Education and Learning

We want to invest in education and learning to deliver the skills and capabilities needed to meet the future needs of the people we care for and support our people to progress their careers.

The provision of high quality education and development is fundamental to providing safe, high quality care and helps the workforce to feel valued, motivated and resilient. We need a highly skilled and capable workforce with the values and behaviours necessary to support effective service delivery, the UHB strategy and the COVID recovery plan. Our workforce must also have access to the education, development and support they need to develop the level of competence required to deliver safe and effective care, enhance their skill set and ultimately to progress their careers. This investment in our workforce is crucial as all employees continue to face the challenges brought about by the pandemic and recovery plan. It will also support an integrated, whole-system model and improved seamless working.
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To overcome the barrier of access to core technologies, all employees should be provided with access to our main IT systems. This underpins everything else on the agenda of developing a ready and capable workforce. Providing the workforce with access to these technologies demonstrates a more inclusive approach, by offering equitable access for all and helping reduce the digital divide.


In order for the workforce to be digitally ready, they will need to develop a core set of skills. To achieve this we will:

• Identify and quantify the systems already in use.
• Create a digital skills framework.
• Conduct a skills assessment to map out competency against the framework.
• Provide training opportunities and materials.
• Understand the governance of sharing information and how we join together as we move to a more integrated model.


Digital technology has had a significant impact on the way people work, and while much of this is for the better, it has caused new challenges, including ‘Teams fatigue’, increased volume of emails, sometimes outside of core working hours, and inadequate breaks away from a screen. We need to develop ways of working which enable us to benefit from these changes effectively, whilst enhancing our wellbeing.

Guidance on how to maintain our wellbeing while working digitally will be developed and communicated widely to support the workforce and promote healthier online working practices.


The rapid rollout of technology has unquestionably helped us in unprecedented times. However, we now need to ensure we keep abreast of enhancements to existing systems and explore new emerging technologies which may have a positive impact on the workforce.
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Theme 4: Building a Digitally Ready Worforce

We want to have a workforce that is digitally ready, with both the technology available and the skills to utilise this effectively.

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in our working practices, with the pandemic highlighting the importance of a workforce which has both access to technology and the skills to use it. There has been accelerated progress in the development of technologies and the pace at which these have been rolled out, and this has had a positive impact, enabling many to adopt new ways of working, including the ability to work in an agile manner. Technology will be essential in ensuring that we create an agile, accessible Organisation that is able to attract and retain a more diverse workforce and recruit to posts which are traditionally difficult to recruit to. The Digital Strategy will also support the person accessing health and care more easily and our workforce will be able to work across systems, rather than waste, duplicate or cause further harm by repeating procedures that have already been undertaken in different settings.


• The workforce has had to rapidly upskill themselves, in already challenging circumstances.
• Implementation of these technologies has highlighted issues with system design.
• New challenges for the workforce e.g. regularity of Teams meetings and volume of email correspondence.
• Whilst the adoption of new technologies has assisted the workforce and raised the bar of what is possible for many, this has not yet been universal and the digital divide is wider than ever before.
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• Developing leaders at all levels.
• Providing a wealth of development opportunities in a way that reaches leaders at all levels i.e. flexible, easy to access and available across the system.
• Planning for succession.
• Ensuring our leaders are digitally capable.


• Identify potential leaders at all levels and in all professions.
• Develop leadership and management programmes, masterclasses and coaching and mentoring networks to facilitate skills development.
• Ensure our leaders have access to the right digital equipment and also have the skills to use it.
• Embed a timely and robust evaluation process.
• Strive for a psychologically safe workforce.
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Theme 6: Leadership and Succession

We want to have leaders in the health care system who embody inclusive, collective and compassionate leadership.

In order to deliver a sustainable, effective and resilient health care system, our leaders at all levels and within all roles and professions need to understand, recognise and develop inclusive, collective and compassionate leadership principles and behaviours. This in turn will help engage, motivate and develop the people and teams around them.

Our leadership approach requires a focus on inclusion, collaboration and authenticity and there needs to be recognition that leadership can happen in any role, regardless of title and banding.
Therefore, we need to create opportunities for all to contribute to innovation, change and improvement. The link between leadership,employee engagement, wellbeing and inclusion, and the impact on patient experience and outcomes, must be at the forefront of all we do.
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• Employees at risk of, and experiencing, burnout and exhaustion.
• Developing effective, inclusive and accessible ways of enabling employee involvement.
• Enabling and empowering the workforce to work to the ‘top of their licence’ or scope of practice.
• Balancing increased demand for services and supporting employee wellbeing and development, against the back-drop of hard to fill vacancies, sickness rates.
• Supporting and developing employees in new roles who have had minimal access to training to date due to the pandemic response.
• Ability to release people from duties to attend development and reflection/wellbeing sessions.


• Develop and implement an effective engagement framework.
• Create an informed and forward thinking Wellbeing Strategy and plan that has measurable outcomes.
• Support a learning culture through developing a coaching approach and reviewing delivery of learning.
• Revisit the Values to ensure they are understood and part of all we do e.g. values based recruitment, values based appraisal.
• Encourage employee involvement and create improved opportunities for feedback that demonstrate two-way inclusive conversations.
• Consider the working environment recognising the impact of working conditions on wellbeing, including physical and behavioural aspects.
• Continue to support our employees to improve their own health, ensuring that they have access to the right information, services and activities.
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Health and Wellbeing

Having healthy and motivated employees will result in improved retention, increased innovation and lower levels of sickness, as well as better patient experiences and outcomes. Our Health and Wellbeing at work is impacted by ways of working, the working environment, working relationships and behaviours, and role-related aspects such as clarity of role, feedback and recognition, access to development and achievable objectives. Access to wellbeing activities and a health-supporting working environment are important to maintain and improve the health of the workforce. Continuation of smoking cessation services and dietetic support are key to ensuring that employees are able to support their own health.
In addition, through the provision of healthy food options in line with the UHB Healthy Retail and Restaurant Standards, as well as improving access to drinking water across our sites, we will continue to promote a healthy working environment.

Through consultation with employees six key themes have been identified as central in the development of the Health and Wellbeing Plan:

• Wellbeing - ensuring this is integrated, accessible and normalised.
• Respect - which is multidirectional and embedded.
• Training & Education - which is prepared, developed and accessible.
• Management & Leadership - so our people are supported, effectiveand visible.
• IT & Communication - which is clear, fair and consistent.
• Physical Environment and Facilities - which are modern and fit for purpose.

Developing a Learning Culture

We are committed to supporting our workforce at all levels to develop, grow and achieve their full potential by creating a learning culture throughout our organisation, which includes adopting a coaching approach to learning. Our aim is for development and coaching to be seen as enablers for new ways of working, improving self-awareness and fostering collaboration across multi-disciplinary teams. Team development will also support healthy working relationships and improve morale.
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Theme 2: An Engaged, Healthy Workforce

We want a workforce that feels valued, developed and supported, while maintaining their health and wellbeing at work.

An engaged, motivated and healthy workforce is at the heart of developing and delivering quality services that have the most beneficial impact on our patients and communities. Research shows that higher levels of engagement have a direct and positive effect on organisational performance, patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. Experiencing a pandemic over an extended period of time, on top of already challenging priorities, has massively affected the morale, motivation and health of our workforce. Employee engagement and health and wellbeing needs to be a focus on all agendas, now more than ever. We will work with key stakeholders, including our staff, Clinical Boards, trade union partners, local authorities, third sector, and other organisations, to improve the experiences of not just our workforce, but our patients and citizens.
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About This Plan

To meet our population’s health and care needs effectively, we need to ensure that we can deliver our services closer to, or at, home. Attending hospital should only occur when it is not possible to provide care and/or treatment safely anywhere else. Our plan is completely dependent on our workforce being creative and innovative to deliver health and care in different ways, putting the person at the heart of all we do.

This Plan is built around 7 themes which are based on the themes set out in the Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care, with an added emphasis on retention in theme 3 to recognise the importance of retaining our workforce as well as recruiting new people.

1. Seamless workforce models.
2. Engaged, motivated and healthy workforce.
3. Attract, recruit and retain.
4. Building a digitally ready workforce.
5. Excellent education and learning.
6. Leadership and succession.
7. Workforce supply and shape.

The People and Culture Plan is a road-map that will help us improve the experience of our people both now and in the future, while supporting the integration of health and social care services to deliver a seamless, co-ordinated approach from different providers, based on outcomes that matter to the person. Our workforce will be required to embrace new ways of working in teams, across organisations and sectors, aided by technology. There will be opportunities to develop existing roles, building new or advanced roles, skills and capabilities in areas that we have not done so before.

Through the implementation of this Plan
we will harness the right skills, in the right number, at the right time; thereby, reducing duplication and waste and avoiding harm wherever possible. We want our workforce to be happy, healthy and supported, so that they can in turn, support the wellbeing of the people in their care. We will ensure our workforce is treated fairly and everyone is recognised for the contribution they make. We will also use this opportunity to ensure our workforce is reflective of our diverse population through developing an inclusive culture where diversity is welcomed, and by encouraging our people to deliver care using the Welsh language and as part of their working life.
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At Cardiff and Vale UHB (the UHB) we pride ourselves on being a great place to train, work and live; with inclusion, wellbeing and development at the heart of everything we do. We know that in order to meet our population’s health and care needs effectively we are completely dependent on our workforce. The People and Culture Plan is our opportunity to improve the experience of staff, to ensure the improvements we have made over recent years continue, and to confront the challenges which have arisen as a result of the pandemic and subsequent recovery period.

The Plan is aligned to our Strategy ‘Shaping Our Future Wellbeing’ and to a number of key strategic documents including: A Healthier Wales and the national Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care; the UHB Strategic Programmes; and the UHB Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP). The Plan is also aligned with the Operational Plan; thereby ensuring a whole-system approach, that is working at pace to achieve the greatest positive impact, and that it can adapt to rapid service change and workforce pressures. Consideration is also given to our legislative and regulatory requirements, such as those set out in the Wellbeing of Future Generations Ace and the Welsh Language Standards. As such, the Plan aims to deliver an inclusive, engaged, sustainable and responsible workforce, with a greater use of Welsh Language in the workplace, over the next three years and beyond.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen our workforce adapt quickly to the challenges they faced. New surge hospitals were built at the Dragon’s Heart Hospital and Lakeside Wing; new working patterns and new ways of working were adopted; our people were redeployed to priority areas; and there was rapid onboarding of new recruits; all while we responded to the IP&C requirements, the introduction of the CAV247, phone first service and the Mass Vaccination Programme.

We now need to strike a balance, as we learn to live and work with COVID-19. We will need to maintain essential services and manage any additional demands, including seasonal pressures and the backlogs created during the pandemic; all while remaining Covid-ready. The demands faced by the UHB over the next 5 years will be unlike anything we have ever faced before, as services resume and pick up pace following the pandemic and a recovery plan for dealing with increased patient waiting lists is implemented.

In addition to the challenges brought about by the pandemic and the necessary period of recovery, we, along with the broader NHS in Wales, face social, economic, technological and demographic changes. As a result of this the demographic of our workforce also needs to change, and we must adjust the way we recruit, retain and support our people.
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Retaining skilled and competent individuals improves patient experience, the overall quality of patient care and employee satisfaction. All organisations require a healthy level of turnover, but the challenge is to find the right balance between turnover and retention by understanding what is going on across the Health Board. A complete programme of work to reduce turnover has recently been implemented involving a number of far reaching initiatives, including the following:

Improving employee engagement and health and wellbeing
Building line management capability
Improving workforce analytics
Providing dedicated support to new recruits and listening to their feedback
Promoting a range of flexible and agile working arrangements, including flexible retirement
Extending the Internal Transfer Scheme to all staff groups
Internal development and succession planning
Enhancing the exit interview platform to improve our understanding.

We will also support retention by proactively supporting an older workforce both through policy and procedures and by encouraging managers to have conversations with their staff around retirement much earlier in their working life.
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Theme 3: Attract, Recruit and Retain

We want to attract, recruit and retain the right people with the right skills.

The ability to deliver high quality, compassionate care is dependent on recruiting and retaining individuals with the right skills, abilities, values
and experiences. This has become increasingly difficult following the service pressure and workforce resilience associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. The current climate has created a shortage of suitable candidates in many professions, and we need to think differently about how we attract and recruit our current and future workforce, including working with social care partners to develop an integrated workforce, and to support a diverse workforce and inclusive culture. However, we cannot just depend on bringing new people into our workforce; we need to improve how we retain, manage, develop and look after the wellbeing of our existing workforce.


• Large scale vacancies in a number of professions.
• High vacancy levels across UK labour market (1.1m)
• Turnover in some staff groups is higher than the national average.
• High competition from neighbouring Health Boards and other Health/Care employers.
• High reliance on Bank and Agency.
• Silo working.
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• Encouraging the workforce to embrace new ways of working.
• Developing existing roles and building new advanced roles, skills and capabilities in new areas.
• Enabling and empowering the workforce to work to the ‘top of their licence’ or scope of practice.
• Providing a climate for innovation, creativity and drive to enable solutions for real and lasting change.
• Harness the right skills, in the right number, at the right time, thereby reducing duplication and waste and avoiding harm wherever possible.
• Building a digital ready workforce so that access and geography are not a barrier.
• Breaking down organisational barriers.


• Improved access to services, closer to home, with better patient outcomes and experience.
• Fewer boundaries between services and sectors.
• Reduced waste, harm and variation.
• Opportunities to review operating models and establishments to improve ways of working.
• Integrated strategic workforce planning and OD.
• An engaged and motivated workforce.
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Strategic and Whole System Workforce

Many of the people with us today will remain with us in the future. We value the knowledge, skills and expertise they have now and want to enhance their potential to support the delivery of our future ambitions. Shortages in key roles , the pressures currently experienced by our services and demands on our workforce mean that we need to be creative and focus on new ways of working to support our local population needs. This will be achieved through:

• Releasing capacity through skill mix and advanced/extended roles which will support the future workforce shape and supply.
• Developing the workforce to provide personcentred care, enabling our citizens to be more independent and responsible for their own health and wellbeing.
• Building a future workforce through apprenticeships, Kickstart, succession planning etc.
• Utilising technology to help us where we can be more effective.
• Enabling a more flexible and agile workforce through policy and practice.
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Theme 1: Seamless Workforce Models

We want to support multi-professional and multi agency working through integration of Health and Social Care services and the development of alternative workforce models to deliver a seamless, co-ordinated approach with partners based on outcomes that matter to the person. Central to the successful delivery of transformed care will be the rebalancing of services and workforce between Secondary and Primary care. We will support the integration of Health and Social Care by fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging, as well as working closely with our partners.

The scale of this theme is huge and it involves significant culture change as well as engagement, commitment and agreement at a time when the immediate pressures placed on us are unprecedented. In order to achieve this ambition, we require whole-system working with a shared vision, aims and outcomes built on strong leadership, and an engaged and motivated workforce who are appropriately skilled and empowered to work more flexibly to meet the needs of our local population. Partnership working with our key stakeholders and trade union and professional bodies will remain at the heart of everything we do.
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The rapid rollout of technology has unquestionably helped us in unprecedented times. However, we now need to ensure we keep abreast of enhancements to existing systems and explore new emerging technologies which may have a positive impact on the workforce.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Ensuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Ensuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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We will embed robust succession planning processes to support the recruitment to critical leadership roles by:

Identifying the key skills and qualities required for individuals to thrive in these roles.
Developing talent benches to ensure critical roles can be filled in a timely manner.
Ensuring that potential leaders are mapped to critical roles and are provided with the support and development they need to thrive.
Monitoring performance over time; continuing to offer development opportunities to meet the needs of those who are new in post.
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We aim to improve retention across the UHB to a healthy level, i.e. between 7- 9% by 22-23. In 23-24 our aim will be to continue to reduce the turnover in staff groups that are over 9% to a more sustainable position.

Whilst focusing on reducing turnover, efforts will also be targeted at improving workforce supply, especially in staff groups where there is a known shortage. Our aim by 23-24 is for vacancies across the UHB to be 5% or below.

We will increase the diversity of our workforce through inclusive recruitment. For example, increase number of Welsh speakers, increase number of staff who are non-white British, have a disability, LGBTQ+, etc.
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We will continue to raise awareness of the importance of undertaking appraisals with staff and increase compliance to 50% in 22-23 and 85% in 23-24. We will embed effective talent management processes to grow our own talent.
We will increase the number of trained and active coaches within the UHB to support with individual development.

By 22-23 the aim is to identify 36 members of staff to undertake the Senior Leadership Programme and identify leadership pathways at every level.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.

Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.

Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.

Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.

Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.

Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.

Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.

Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.

Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.

Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.

Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.

Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.
Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.
Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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Ensure our educational infrastructure is highly responsive to service needs and accessible to the workforce.
Foster an inclusive culture which values the contribution and development needs of the entire workforce.
Develop creative and transformational approaches to education and development which will support service transformation, integration and health and social care, workforce redesign, health and wellbeing and maintain patient safety.
Maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders.
Market existing opportunities and show how development can support career pathways.
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We intend to increase the number of staff in non-traditional roles, to reflect the skills required to care for our population, e.g. apprentices, Physician Associates, Assistant Practitioners, Multi-skilled support workers, etc.

We will build and extend the capability of managers using ESR by increasing the education and training available to them.

We will complete the effective roll out of Health Roster across all nursing areas by March 23 and implement Safe Care. We will embed effective rostering principles and practices.

By 2022-23 we will Implement and roll out e-rostering for Medical & Dental Staff.

We want to improve the workforce data that is available to assist with strategic decision making by 2023-24 and aim to have real time data available from 2023-24.
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We want to increase the number of staff who complete the NHS Staff Survey, our ambition is to increase the response rate by 10% in 22-23 and by a further 10% by the next survey. This will provide us with more meaningful data both qualitative and quantitive. Our aim would also be to improve the engagement index score in 22-23 and beyond.

We will improve the health and wellbeing of our workforce and in doing so reduce absence to a more sustainable position. We are aiming for a reduction to 6% in 22-23 and 5.5% in 23-24 with the intention of further reducing in 24-25.

We aim to reduce the number of staff on long term sick leave suffering with stress, anxiety, depression by 10% in 22-23 and a further 10% in 23-24.
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We will implement the pathway in 22-23 for HCSW’s to undertake the training and development to progress to Band 4 Assistant Practitioner roles in 23-24

Byddwn yn gweithredu'r llwybr yn 22-23 er mwyn i HCSW ymgymryd â'r hyfforddiant a'r datblygiad i symud ymlaen i rolau Ymarferwyr Cynorthwyol Band 4 yn 23-24.

We want to increase the number of HCSW’s who undertake the registered nursing programme and gain registration with the NMC.

We aim to Increase the number of staff who access learning, development and training opportunities by 50% by 23-24, including e-learning, virtual learning, etc.
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